© 서 지 Ji Seo

All images on this site, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted by Seo. They may not be used for any purpose without permission.

© SEO JI All Rights Reserved.

When breath becomes air, 2019
Mixed media, dimensions variable

While taking a walk during the day, I divide my time between the surroundings, contemplation and creativity action. Everything I've experienced in my artistic experiences, walking in nature, my reflection at a given moment become like an essence to be extracted, something that I was going to express in my pieces.

Quand le souffle rejoint le ciel, 2019
Vue installation, techniques mixtes, dimensions variables

Lors de mes promenades journalières, je partage mon temps entre les éléments qui m’entourent, la contemplation et la créativité. Toutes les expériences que j’ai vécues dans ma vie artistique : marcher dans la nature et mes réflexions à un certain moment donné deviennent comme une essence d’inspiration, quelque chose que j’exprime dans mes créations artistiques.

http://www.jiaeseo.com/files/gimgs/th-62_Seo Jiae When breath become air_2019_01.jpg
http://www.jiaeseo.com/files/gimgs/th-62_Seo Jiae When breath become air_2019_06_RIMG_0487_.jpg
http://www.jiaeseo.com/files/gimgs/th-62_Seo Jiae When breath become air_2019_02.jpg
http://www.jiaeseo.com/files/gimgs/th-62_Seo Jiae When breath become air_2019_05.jpg
http://www.jiaeseo.com/files/gimgs/th-62_Seo Jiae When breath become air_2019_07_RIMG_0493_.jpg
http://www.jiaeseo.com/files/gimgs/th-62_Seo Jiae When breath become air_2019_04.jpg
http://www.jiaeseo.com/files/gimgs/th-62_Seo Jiae When breath become air_2019_08_RIMG_0497.jpg
http://www.jiaeseo.com/files/gimgs/th-62_Seo Jiae When breath become air_2019_03.jpg